Reducing carbon, energy and costs in public transport. Ticket to Kyoto (T2K) is a European project, which aimed at reducing CO2 emissions in the public transport sector through more environmentally friendly behaviour and improvements to transport-related infrastructure. The project ran over four years (2010 to 2014) with a budget of around €12 million. It has been co-financed by the INTERREG IVB North West-Europe Programme
STIB - CHP unit
STIB installed a CHP unit for the production of heat and electricity in the Delta bus and metro depot in Brussels. Read more >
moBiel - Braking Energy Recovery
moBiel introduced a braking energy recovery system to decrease the energy consumption of its light-rail network. Yearly savings: 900,000 kWh or 470 TCO2. Read more >
RET - Lights out
In order to save energy and maintenance costs the lighting of metro and light rail stations can be switched off during closing hours. Read more >
TfGM - Hydropower plant
TfGM developed a hydropower plant at its interchange in Manchester, making it Europe’s first public transport interchange to be powered by hydropower.
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RATP - Cooling system
The new cooling system RATP implemented not only cools the computer server rooms, it also recovers heat to preheat offices in wintertime. Read more >