Ticket To Kyoto

Reducing carbon, energy and costs in public transport. Ticket to Kyoto (T2K) is a European project, which aimed at reducing CO2 emissions in the public transport sector through more environmentally friendly behaviour and improvements to transport-related infrastructure. The project ran over four years (2010 to 2014) with a budget of around €12 million. It has been co-financed by the INTERREG IVB North West-Europe Programme www.nweurope.eu.


How about climate change? Will there be a shortage in energy? Can we expect energy prices and energy usage to drop or rise?
You can’t manage what you can’t measure. And you can’t achieve a long-term reduction in CO2 emissions without having a long-term strategy for doing so.
The Ticket to Kyoto partners have exchanged their knowledge and experiences in order to reduce the energy consumption of their buildings, infrastructures and vehicles.
To reduce energy consumption and CO2 emissions on a broad scale, we have to sensitize and mobilise as many stakeholders as possible.

Partners of the project

Bielefeld, Germany
Paris, France
Rotterdam, The Netherlands
Brussels, Belgium
Manchester, United Kingdom


During the project, the Ticket to Kyoto partners gathered a lot of data concerning energy saving measures. The detailed reports, investment sheets and the annual and thematic films are available here.