Elements in stainless steel and serigraphed glass

This work is the result of a close cooperation, from the beginning of the design phase onwards, between the architect (Jean Petit) and the artist. It is not an isolated work to be admired but a coherent whole into which the work is integrated using a unity of style and form. A relief with decorative open work in stainless steel, alternated with 24 vertical panels in Triplex glass, which serve as a wall in part of the hall. The walls of the central hall are decorated with compositions which include marble (white and grey) and stone (blue, white and grey). During the construction of the project, both the architect and the artist took into account that they had to allow the public to follow a specific route in order to give a better overview. This is how the idea to use a wall with railings came about. This wall gives a good view of the work over its entire space.