Contact details of the company
Maatschappij voor het Intercommunaal Vervoer te Brussel (MIVB) / Société de transports intercommunaux de Bruxelles (STIB)
Company under public law
Koningsstraat 76 Rue Royale
1000 Brussels
RPR/RPM Brussel/Bruxelles: 0247.499.953
Contact us
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Website usage
Solely by his of her connection to the website, the user agrees to accept that only private and personal use is permitted. Any other use is subject to the prior and express permission of the S.T.I.B./M.I.V.B. Any violation of these provisions subjects the offender and all persons responsible for criminal and civil penalties concerning infringement and/or infringement of trademark and/or copyright and/or any other provisions which may be applicable as intellectual property.
It is therefore forbidden to reproduce, represent, distribute, market, modify, concede all or parts of any other elements posted on the website and all or parts of the website in general, without prior and express permission of the STIB/MIVB. Please contact us via the link above.
For information and requests for electronic reproduction, please contact the webmaster. We ask you to kindly specify the context, the duration of the reproduction, the nature of the website and the planned submission. Do not forget to specify your name, the name of your association or company, and your contact information including your mail address.
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Any user of visitor is prohibit to establish from any website a link to this For any user or visitor it is prohibited to establish a link from any website to this website, including any of its subpages, without the express permission of the Société des Transports Intercommunaux de Bruxelles (STIB) / Maatschappij voor het Intercommunaal Vervoer te Brussel (MIVB). This prohibition shall be apply to any form or technique of linking which includes or shows on another website the name, the address or any other element from any page of the website (such as the pictures, logos, animation, texts, buttons, ...) or which conveys internet users from this other website to the website of the STIB/MIVB. A request for consent shall be sent by contact form.
Legal terms
This website is the property of the Société des Transports Intercommunaux de Bruxelles (S.T.I.B.)/Maatschappij voor het Intercommunaal Vervoer te Brussel (M.I.V.B.), whose head offices are located at 1000 Brussels, Rue Royale 76 Koningsstraat.
The use of the website of the STIB/MIVB does not confer any intellectual property rights on the user in respect of the content of the website. Content of the website refers to all the texts, pictures, videos, images whether animated or not, data, posters, logos, brands and other elements which compose the website.